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Proudly Powered by Romanian Designers

BICI by Mirela Bucovicean | Molecule F

In this category you can find the products on sale from different designers. Dresses, tops, pants, but also accessories and furniture, they are all reduced significantly from the initial price, with even 50% off. The items selected in this category are changing constantly because of our frequent promotions.

The Business Institute for Creative Industries was created acknowledging the lack of direction young entrepreneurs encounter when diving into new business ideas in the Creative Industry sector. Our first course, Business of Fashion, dives into teaching practical business skills to new CI entrepreneurs, taking an idea and within five weeks, bringing it to life, delving into themes such as: Market & Competitor Analysis, Production, Distribution Channels (DTC, E-commerce, wholesale, etc), Start-Up Models, Business Plan, Marketing & PR. Most importantly, we invite experts from each field to share their knowledge and insight with our students each session. At the end of the course, the Networking Event will give the chance to our entrepreneurs to explore even further and an opportunity to capitalize on viable business.

With the launch of Business in Fashion, we begin a long series of exciting new courses and learning experiences destined for those who want to be part of building a successful future for the Creative Industries in Romania.

mirela bucovicean

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