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Proudly Powered by Romanian Designers

Privacy policy

 You are on the official page of

The copyrights over the entire content belong to Molecule-f properties.


 As a customer you have the following rights:

- to explore the content

- to reproduce, translate or use the information on the site, only with the indication of the source

- to copy or print the materials for a personal purpose, without the commercialization oh these

- if you are relying your decisions and actions on the information on this site, you assume your responsibility for possible looses


The information on website are presented only for informative purposes. reserves the rights of changing the content and the structure of the site anytime and without notice it. The products on this site are available only for Molecule-f and they are an exclusive propriety.

Any attempt of changing both the images and information on the this website, with the exception of the owner of Molecule-f , as realizing links without the previous agreement of, gives the unequivocal right to address to the legal instances and penalize these facts, in accordance with law nr. 8 / 14 of March 1996.

Molecule-f. com and its subsidiary companies respect the rights of personal information of their customers and recognize the importance of protecting their information. We adopted a privacy policy which guide the collecting, storage and utilization form of information.

Visiting, you accept the following terms and conditions:


The registration

To log on, is necessary to give us the following personal information: name and surname, email address, home address, the number phone where you can be contacted, Id information BI/ CI / passport, birthday.

The eligibility to buy

If you are not 16 years old, you must inform an adult or legal tutor about the Privacy Policy of Molecule-f, before to log on or to make an order.



Cash payment:

Cash payment is done only in Romanian currency, with entire amount of money at delivery or when you take the product from the Molecule-f showroom. The value of products is that one of the moment of phone confirmation/ online. In case of delivering products through the courier service, the payment is done at the courier.

Online payment

The processing of payment is done through the payment processor PayU and it is extremely safe. the accepted cards are Visa and MasterCard. For payment processing is using the 3D Secure System with secure connections. "PayU" do not stock personal information about your card, it send encrypted  information on a secure connection to the bank In this way, your personal information are safe. Moreover, enrolling your card in the 3D-Secure you can take an additional password created for online payments, which you can use it as a virtual PIN.


Return and change

The purchased products can be returned or changed only with the previous announcement of Molecule-f at the email address: [email protected].


General rules

The privacy policy do not apply to the other companies websites which we link on. Molecule-f is not responsible for possible personal information which you give to a third part.

We please you to read the privacy policy of any other company or organization before you signed up.

In case of changing any information above, we please you contact at [email protected]

 To meet your needs, the truthfulness of these information is mandatory. That's why, in case  of incorrect or insufficient information, we reserve the rights  of blocking the access to the website, without any notice, for a period we chose, without being necessary your agreement.

We can use personal information in statistics about the traffic on the website, sales or commercial information we can send to a third part, but these statistics will not include personal details about yourselves. Firstly, we cans use information to improve the website or to realize studies about our customers. Personal information  could be forwarded to a company specialized in frauds, which will keep them in database for any event.


How can you access or change your personal information kept on

If you are worried that your personal information are not valid, please access the website after you log on using the menu : "Sign up" from the homepage. Information will be available for editing and change on the section " My account" . Only you, or after your demand , the PR Department can access the personal information on site using the password and username. The information can be changed on-line using " My details", " My preferences" or " Transport details". You can change or remove details about the credit card editing or adding a new address of billing or transport. If you change these addresses when the command is processed, this will be re-processed through the control point finance check.

If you prefer, you can contact us on the e-mail at: [email protected]


Protecting identification personal information

We will use the best ways of security maintenance, integrity and personal information you give us. If you make an order or access your account  we use Secure Socket Layer which encrypt the information before sending them to us to secure them and protect an unauthorized utilization.