Silvia Serban
"I am what I am" was my first motto, which brought me many recognitions at the beginning of my career. Then I spent some time trying to define that signature-style which must be assumed by any designer. My response? I am what I am, an actor who took the role of a creator of suits, scenographer of emotions, interpreter of dreams, in the existential performances of others. My motto became "The world is a stage and we are the actors" and I follow it even today. I do not do clothes for women who are just dummies in their own lives, but for those who boldly declaim their personalities. I know how to listen to my inspiration and sometimes I am proud to discover on the catwalk for the next season some of my already several years old ideas. I do not do "clothes in trends", but create tendencies that will become clothes on this world’s scenes. I know that I play the part of my life when my customers tell me: "They all turned their heads after me!". Abroad, my characters are called more often in the rail, even if initially the skeptic external buyers order only few models from a collection; in short while they triple the order, with the message "We sold everything and still have requests". If you’re not afraid to be a lead actress in your own play, just try a garment signed Silvia Serban. Will draw round of applause!